I was able to mount the scoop to the 3 rivets holding each side of the vent with an "L" bracket so if I decide to get a different one there are no extra holes to fill. I couldn't decide between cutting the front the way you see it or doing a sawtooth type edge but in the end simplicity won (though I could still add the saw teeth). This scoop fits fairly close to the vent when open so I'm a little concerned about getting airflow around it and to the backside but I think it will be OK. I'm interested to see if it has the desired effect.

Front 3/4 view with vent open to the rear.

Front view with vent open to the rear.

Side view.

Rear view, you can clearly see the "24" logo from the lawnmower emblem. The gap at the rear is intentional to allow some flow through relief when the vent is closed.

Front view with the vent closed.